Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Waiting Game

Hey everyone. Sorry I have been a little MIA recently. I have been working and training at night just killing myself. Today I had my engagement party with my family and fiancée and it was a great fun time.

As for soccer I have been in contact with about two different MLS clubs. Right now since most MLS clubs are away from their home on their second leg of preseason it is tough to get right in and train. I have two great options right now among signing with the AC Crusaders. I'm looking to have some good news or any type of news around the 11th or 13th of March. I will keep on the Internet here with you guys as often as possible, but for now I'll just be training on my own and chasing my dream.

It feels great to be able to have the determination that I do to never stop grabbing my dream. I thank everyone for their support from my fiancée, to my family, friends, teammates, and support of the soccer community in my area.

I'll keep in touch hopefully soon. Keep those fingers crossed for the right moment to come.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Signing . . . MLS Sooner Thank I Think

  Last time I said I would have some news for you guys and it's here. I signed with the NPSL side the AC Crusaders. Matt Driver is the owner and he has a great staff running the team so I am very excited to play. I also get to link up with a lot of friends that I have been trips and teams with that I missed playing with.

  I also have received some great news that I am still waiting to confirm buuutttt . . . I might be able to train with another MLS team in the near future, as in next week. I will release all details as soon as I can and able to. I am awaiting to hear back from my contact which hopefully will be around this coming Monday. So you and I both have 3 days of pain waiting to see if I can get there or not. I hope so because one little fact is that the MLS team that I will train with heads down to Georgia in the first couple days of March of 11 days, so I'm looking forward to some amazing soccer and warm weather.

  Thanks for checking in guys and I will be sure to update you on any info I hear about my future training and signing!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pictures from Sporting KC, MLS

Heyyoo. I figured I would upload some pictures I took on my phone while I was training in Sporting Kansas City's preseason. Take a look below!

Sporting KC Locker Room

The Plaza Center - Next to the Hotel

Dressed before 2nd Day of Training

Kansas City Chiefs Indoor Facility - Training 1st Day with SKC

Leaving and Heading to Kansas City MCI Airport

Restaurant that I had the best BBQ Pulled Pork sandwich.
Look at the lights in this place!

     Hope you enjoyed. It looks like tomorrow I will have some news on my future. Hopefully it is good!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AC Crusaders . . . MLS in the summer??

So I'm back to my daily routine working all day and then working out at night. Keeping myself in shape without being around a team is no fun. You just work hard and hardly play because you are by yourself . . . but it's ok. Spring and summer are coming up and for the moment I have signed with the Semi-Pro NPSL Team, The AC Crusaders. The season starts around mid May and runs through July. There will also be a press conference on May 3rd so this is all exciting and fun to look forward too.

I have some MLS teams that are going to be watching me throughout this season so I hope to make a good contribution to the team and show the staff of those teams that I can play in the MLS. I hope the Discovery Player option works out as it would give me the option to come straight into a team during the season but, we will see how it goes. There are also some European opportunities in the works so I'll keep you guys updated on them.

 Well I have to get to work . . . I'll be on tomorrow morning hopefully.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Post, Sporting Kansas City, MLS Preseason

So today is President's Day woohoo, off from work. I attended a soccer fundraiser today for a deceased member of the high school team I coached this past season. It was a tough time then but today there were so many happy faces celebrating his triumphs. He is the school leading goal-scorer and was first team on many different teams throughout the conference and south jersey . . . he woud of done well in college.

 As for me I played in a playoff game last night which was fun with some high school friends that always ask me to come out. And my groin is bugging me again. It started when I was training in the Sporting Kansas City preseason at the end of January. I was doing well but pulled up a little after straining it the first day. It's tough but it has healed up well. I am looking to sign with the AC Crusaders of the NPSL for this upcoming season. I have the contract I just have to get it signed and all taken care of. I met some great contacts while training with Sporting KC. Playing in the MLS environment is so much fun and the level was good. Sporting KC treated me like I was a current player and I have nothing but great things to say for them. We are on great terms and hopefully as I continue to play something can come together sooner than later in my future. I wish them the best of luck in their 2011 season!

 I look forward to getting overseas and back into some MLS clubs by the summer time as I have a good amount of opportunities that seem to be adding up every day. I hope this works out with all the hard work and effort I have been putting into this life long dream. Countless practicing by myself and in the weight room. I am so close from being at the top level in the US and I can taste that first contract signing . . . I can't wait! Thanks to my family and friends and everyone else for all the support and hopefully I can keep updating you on my progression and hopefully some good news soon.

  Thanks for checking in. See you all on the internet world in a day or so.