Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AC Crusaders . . . MLS in the summer??

So I'm back to my daily routine working all day and then working out at night. Keeping myself in shape without being around a team is no fun. You just work hard and hardly play because you are by yourself . . . but it's ok. Spring and summer are coming up and for the moment I have signed with the Semi-Pro NPSL Team, The AC Crusaders. The season starts around mid May and runs through July. There will also be a press conference on May 3rd so this is all exciting and fun to look forward too.

I have some MLS teams that are going to be watching me throughout this season so I hope to make a good contribution to the team and show the staff of those teams that I can play in the MLS. I hope the Discovery Player option works out as it would give me the option to come straight into a team during the season but, we will see how it goes. There are also some European opportunities in the works so I'll keep you guys updated on them.

 Well I have to get to work . . . I'll be on tomorrow morning hopefully.

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